Big ideas in small spaces

Our new kitchen, and the coffee it requires
When it comes to content, there’s a lot that your brand can do with limited time and hardware resources.

After an interesting week and a half, we’ve got good news and bad news.

The good news

We’ve got a new kitchen.

Our new kitchen

While the new kitchen is very compact, it manages to shine even brighter when compared to how our kitchen used to look.

Think ‘shopping centre toilet from the late seventies to early eighties’ and you’re more or less there.

The bad news

Sadly, our new kitchen is just as tiny as the old one. This picture from the renovation shows the space at its absolute largest.

Our kitchen space

However, a few tricks have been employed to make the most of the limited space. We’re particularly fond of the dish rack that’s stored inside a cupboard, complete with removable drip tray.

Our nifty drip tray

It means that despite our limited resources, we’ve got all the worktop space we need to prepare a fantastic massaged kale and quinoa salad.

Making the best of what you’ve got

So what does this have to do with online content?

When it comes to content, there’s a lot that your brand can do with limited time and hardware resources.

It’s been said before, but the best camera is the one that’s with you, and the smartphone is a camera that most people carry around with them all the time.

This availability, as well as an increasingly high standard in image and video quality, means that a smartphone can make it easy for you to produce a decent standard of picture and video content.

  • Is your company attending an event or conference? Take a quick snap of your stand, and make your social media posts more engaging straight away.
  • Do you have the chance at getting a sound bite from a leader in your industry? If you can find a moderately quiet and decently lit area, you can get a decent looking video clip to instantly share with your audience.

As well as providing decent images and video, the flexibility of the phone means that you can easily experiment with creating detailed and relevant content for your customers to engage with.

Another advantage of using a phone is that it makes it easy to show colleagues and friends what you’ve made for instant feedback.

So why not give it a try? Grab a phone and see what kind of content you can come up with. For example, every picture in this blog was taken with a phone.

If you want to find out how we can help you to create great content, regardless of your resources, get in touch online, or give us a phone on 0131 467 7734.

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Our new kitchen, and the coffee it requires

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