Working with DJCAD Part 4 – Final Presentations

DJCAD students
Elastic travelled to Dundee recently to view the final presentations for the 4th Year Design Students project - Brand Yourself. We were very impressed with the overall quality and level of thought and execution - they all put the effort into going on their own brand journey and have survived to tell the tale.

Elastic travelled to Dundee recently to view the final presentations for the 4th Year Design Students project – Brand Yourself. We were very impressed with the overall quality and level of thought and execution – they all put the effort into going on their own brand journey and have survived to tell the tale.

We’d like to highlight the following:

Tom Heggdal Lones – himself

Alex: This captivating story full of culture and heritage had our immediate attention. Utilising Viking folklore he evoked a genuine sense of Norwegian craftsmanship and attention to detail. Alongside his identity he also created a well-produced video that cleverly and humorously spoke to the Viking story and the role of a designer. We enjoyed both but just wondered had he actually created 2 brands – both great – but different. Nice problem to have to choose from 2 great ideas.

Jacob: A very packed 30s of animation, with a distinct illustration style and humour; what’s not to love! An example of having fun whilst creating a piece of work, without losing sight of what you’re out to prove. Love the logo, and its subtle animation at the end gives it that little extra. The wee Viking and the logo together are perhaps jarring, but both are so good you can forgive it pretty quickly. Leaves you wanting to continue seeing what work is produced in the future, which is always a great thing.

Fabio Maragno – + x

Jacob: Composition and colour are both showstoppers in this piece. Using the quote to keep the visuals from becoming too complex, the piece totally won me over with the art direction. It echoes art, which is something that should find its way into the graphic design world more, and it shows great editorial decision-making. Would love to see how the skills learnt for this piece were put into practice for a client brief, or short film.

Alex: This philosophical and contemplative solution we liked very much. The pace, the look & feel and great finish with the identity concluding on the back of the viewer were all well considered. We saw this as being very editorial from someone who thought deeply about the world around them and wanted a platform to interpret these thoughts and ideas in an engaging way. Fabio is interested in creating a dialogue of ideas with his viewers and we’re in.

Boyd Cunningham – Boyd Cunningham

Alex: Boyd was interested in music and in the journey that ideas take you on – and how through continuous exploration you find the right result. This standout identity is a real beauty – classy and effortless and a stunning hand rendered motion piece brilliantly echoes the look and feel of his message.

Jacob: Hand drawn animation is grinding, there’s no two ways about it. I’d imagine Boyd had some sleepless nights to achieve this video, but wow, totally worth it. It’s a great example of using the complexities of the scene to drive the simplicity of the design process. Logo is striking and I’d love to see how it’s applied to other things.

Ali Kelly – Now

Jacob: Visually this hits like a hammer, showing precise editing and cuts to some very well chosen music. It would have been easy to rest on the laurels of the photos & videos chosen, but Ali has taken it further. Deconstructing and re-crafting these pieces into the video gives it a very raw feel to it. The logo is great, and could have played a bigger part throughout the video.

Alex: This punchy and dynamic piece got our attention right away with its use of music and co-ordination with how it interacted with the images. Great image manipulation too. This is NOW – capturing global cultural moments – even when historical they were NOW then; that they were tipping point moments that went down in history.

Jiseop Kim – Unveil

Alex: This was one of the stranger and more unusual solutions and it captured our imagination – which is always good. The mysterious shape was very well realised and became a living, breathing graphic. This all delivered a very fashion-centric look and feel, which also evoked Kim’s passion for all things chic.

Jacob: Our colleague summed it up when he said that the piece would feel at home at Saatchi & Saatchi. Totally smooth and stylised, with a touch of creepiness. It reflects every element of the merging of fashions and design that seduces you into it. Perhaps more integration of the logo would add that extra wee bit, but otherwise it’s incredibly solid.

Stuart Butler – Breathe

Jacob: Logo is super simple, using the emptiness inside of its outlines to drive home the idea of freedom. Lovely shots throughout, perhaps a few tweaks of type positions would tidy it up; but how about that photography and videography when out in the mountains? Awesome stuff, and the accompanying brand book displays a dizzying amount of fantastic photographic pieces

Alex: Love the way this brand identity literally breathes from the page – great idea. This photographer has used this platform as a way to showcase his great outdoor photography. Simple, considered and refreshing.

Bethany Dick – Beyond

Alex: Pacey graphics and good typography

Jacob: Love the look and texture of this animation. Maybe it’s the animator in me but I was most impressed by the smooth, considered transitioning between the illustrations.

Jamie Stein – Ta Da!

Jacob: Great brand and fantastic realisation of the visuals. A lot of ideas went into it, but they’re directed well, and controlled; allowing the burst of energy to really grab you when you watch it. Loved the sneaky use of Cinema 4D.

Alex: Jamie’s sense of fun really comes through and what a great name for a brand.

Ellen McLean – Ellen

Alex: Well-executed animation and a lovely hand drawn identity full of personality.

Jacob: Captures the best thing about motion design; the possibilities. Impressive amount of different techniques shown in such a short amount of time. From Cinema 4D to live action, each scene feels part of the same family. Logo is great, wish it were animated- but only because everything else was so spot on.

Olivia Annand – OH!

Jacob: Real fun contraptions and some great animation. Kind of wish it was in brighter colours, but the style and illustration are awesome.

Alex: Great animated sequence and choice of music.

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