2018 – Year of the Brown Earth Dog

lots of dogs
We take a look at the attributes of the brown earth dog as we enter the Chinese Year of the Dog.

The Dog is the 11th in the 12 year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac.

The other animals that make up the Zodiac are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster and pig. These animals were originally chosen as either representations of their daily domestic lives such as the horse, or ones that they admired such as the dragon.

Each animal was also chosen for the attributes that then became symbolised. A dog’s main attributes include:

  • an understanding of the human spirit
  • a symbol of good fortune
  • willingness to help others
  • a deep moral sense
  • loyalty
  • cleverness
  • courage
  • liveliness

Our own brown earth dog, Cooper, is indeed a human’s best friend and her predictions for 2018 are:

More sausages!

We agree that this is indeed very likely.

May 2018 bring everyone good fortune – and – sausages.

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