Ultra-High Net Worth Campaign: The Carnegie Club

The Carnegie Club is one of the world’s most prestigious private clubs located in a secluded corner of the Northern Highlands. The club wanted to highlight the unique experiences and opportunities available to its members: a chance to live the life of a laird.

The Brief

The Carnegie Club is one of the world’s most prestigious private clubs located in a secluded corner of the Northern Highlands. The club wanted to highlight the unique experiences and opportunities available to its members: a chance to live the life of a laird.

The Carnegie Club asked us to create a campaign which would promote membership at the prestigious club to a US Ultra-High Net Worth (UHNW) audience online.

The Process

The UHNW audience can be challenging to target online. Brand trust plays a major role in attracting these individuals, so the messaging needed to convey The Carnegie Club as a trusted and elegant brand. Furthermore, the adverts themselves needed to use the excellent photography of Skibo Castle in an exciting but tasteful way.

Facebook and Instagram were selected due to their image-rich environment and specific audience targeting abilities. On Twitter we displayed a short promotional video for The Carnegie Club to increase brand awareness on the platform.

The Results

  • Over 190,000 ad impressions
  • Over 18,000 video views
  • 46% video view rate
  • 153% increase in website sessions directly from campaign activities.
  • 11 membership enquiries directly from this campaign, giving a potential ROI of 1:7.

Testimonial from Claire Bruce, Membership Marketing Manager, The Carnegie Club

“The Carnegie Club was looking for new and innovative ways to increase awareness of its brand within a very select audience, whilst maintaining the club’s exclusive and private nature. Direct targeting of UHNW Individuals in the USA through social media channels was a interesting concept that we had not considered before. Elastic Creative were able to seamlessly guide us through the whole process, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the technical elements, whilst also producing beautiful content that reflected the world-class quality of the club and appealed to individuals who are seeking rare and unique experiences.  This quality of content and audience capture ensured the campaign was a great success.”

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