Branding Rule No.1: Predictability gives us nothing to talk about

Made you yawn? When a brand becomes too formulaic, too safe, or too expected, it loses its ability to captivate and engage its audience.

Predictability is the enemy of excitement, the antithesis of buzz-worthiness and effective branding. Even if you’re selling predictability itself, such as banking services, healthcare, or transportation, you need to think elastically if you want your brand to be seen, heard, and recommended. You need to be willing to be unpredictable with branding services and products. 

Think about the brands that have truly made an impact, the ones that have become cultural phenomena. They didn’t get there by playing it safe and sticking to the script. They got there with elastic thinking, by zigging when everyone else was zagging, by challenging conventions, and by daring to be different in their creative brand strategy. This thinking applies to brands of all sizes and sectors, at all stages of growth and development.

Finding the right balance

Of course, being unpredictable doesn’t mean being reckless or abandoning all sense of brand strategy. It’s about calculated risk-taking, about pushing boundaries in a way that feels authentic to your brand and resonates with your target audience. When it comes to branding services or products, it is important to remember predictability is the enemy of excitement. 

It’s about finding that sweet spot

This requires a deep understanding of your brand’s identity, your audience’s preferences, and the cultural landscape in which you operate.

It’s a delicate dance, but one that can pay off handsomely when executed well – have a play by clicking the buttons below

The brands that break through are the ones that have the courage to be different, to challenge the status quo, and to give their fans something to talk about. They’re the ones who understand that predictability is the enemy of memorability and that a little rule-breaking can go a long way.

So, the next time you’re tempted to play it safe, to stick to the tried-and-tested, to blend in with the competition, ask yourself: is this really the best way to capture attention and ignite conversation? Or is it time to break a few rules and give your brand the shot of adrenaline it needs to truly stand out?

The Elastic band is experienced and qualified to administer that shot. Our creative process is collaborative, creative, energising and transformational, and it could be the best tonic your business takes this year.

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