DJCAD Degree Show Part 4

290 degrees - DJCAD Degree Show 2013
This year Elastic made sure to give ourselves plenty of time to get around the entire DJCAD degree show and we weren't disappointed. Overall we felt this was the strongest year we could remember. I managed to see animation, textiles, environmental & digital interactive design - full of some great ideas and executions.

This year Elastic made sure to give ourselves plenty of time to get around the entire DJCAD degree show, held in Dundee and we weren’t disappointed. Overall we felt this was the strongest year we could remember. I managed to see animation, textiles, environmental & digital interactive design – full of some great ideas and executions. There was so much great stuff I’ve highlighted as many as I could below:

Some highlights:

Graphic Design:  

Andrew Leitch

Jason Aitcheson

Holly Gallacher

Tina Munro

Gavin Borthwick

Interior Environmental:

Lynsey Barr

Hamish Newall Watson


Judy Scott –

Katy Birchall

Rosalind Crawford –


Claire Roe –
Carlo Kasongo –

Greg Deacon

It’s all over for another year – look forward to seeing next year’s 4th years in September…

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290 degrees - DJCAD Degree Show 2013

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