Night at the Museum

Night at the Museum
Have you ever fancied snooping around a museum or gallery after dark once everyone else has gone, get really close up to a masterpiece without a gallery attendant telling you off?

Have you ever fancied snooping around a museum or gallery after dark once everyone else has gone, get really close up to a masterpiece without a gallery attendant telling you off?

Well, now you can.

Three techie gurus known as The Workers have created remote controlled robots which allow ‘visitors’ to take a tour of the Tate Britain gallery at night. 

The idea certainly appeals to me. Perhaps it’s the sense of getting to look about with no one else around or maybe just the fact that I could visit a gallery without even leaving my armchair, fantastic!

Take a look at this BBC interview with the three creators talking about their invention.

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Night at the Museum

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