Unleashing the Kraken – Friday night drinks with Elastic Creative

Empty bottle of Kraken Rum
As it's the end of yet another hard working week, I decided to ask everyone what their favourite drink is to ease them into the embrace of the weekend.

As it’s the end of yet another hard working week, I decided to ask everyone what their favourite drink is to ease them into the embrace of the weekend.

Needless to say, it was like opening Pandora’s box. Here are everyone’s suggestions.


Monteiths Summer Ale

I’ll be checking out Badger & Co this evening, and sampling a Monteiths Summer Ale or a pint of Blue Moon.


Cuba Libre

Ingredients – double shot of rum (Havana club if available), lime and cola.
Method – served in a tall glass with crushed ice. Umbrella optional but preferred.

A ceremonious weekly treat to celebrate the unshackling of work commitments for the next two days. Usually savoured, often gulped, perfect for converting normal Colin into drunk Colin.


Jammy Bastard

Cocktails are the way forward and a Jammy Bastard is the best – Absolut Original and Absolut Berri Açaí vodkas with Luxardo amaretto and Chambord, mixed with blackberries and apple juice.

It also tastes like jam, so you know anything that tastes like a dessert and is named after a biscuit is good by me.


Vimto and Milk

The ultimate end of the week indulgence has to be a pint of Vimto and Milk.

It does involve constant stirring since the Vimto goes kinda gloopy, and you also have to shut your ears to the gagging from your “more sensible” companions.



My favourite tipple is probably champagne, or gin, or my homemade wine, or anything remotely alcoholic that’s put in front of me.


Marks & Spencer Belgian Lager

My Friday tipple of choice is usually a last minute pick up at Haymarket to take the edge off the two hour journey home.

Akin to Stella or Kronenbourg 1664, M&S’s lowest level lager comes in at £1.95 for a can but ensures that you get a whole table to yourself on the journey home.

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Malibu and Irn Bru, aka Malibru

I know what you’re thinking.

I also know what kind of face you’re making. It’s a mixture of screwed up in disgust, but with one eyebrow raised as if to say ‘really’?

Trust me. Imagine eating a Bounty, and then finding out that you’re slightly drunk. That’s the magic of Malibru.

How about you?

Got something you’d like us to try? Let us know online, or give us a call on 0131 467 7734.

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Empty bottle of Kraken Rum

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