To Bag Us a Haggis – A Daft Wee Ditty

haggis illustration
The Elastic team go on the search for a haggis...

We set out on a journey to the Pentland Hills.

Encountering dogs, sheep and blustery chills.

But nae Haggis.


We were ready with our hats, wellies and our snares.

All we got were blisters, empty hills and bemused stares.

But nae Haggis.


We toiled hard through the cold and the damp.

Even setting up a nice wee cosy camp.

But nae Haggis.


When we reached the top and passed a bloke

Who seemed almost to think it was a joke

But nae Haggis


We were fed up with feeling down

And headed instead to A Room In The Town

With Haggis!


We never did bag us that darn Haggis

Perhaps next time it would be less messy

If instead we just looked for Nessie?

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