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Our M.D. Alex has spent a bit of time during lockdown reflecting on how much he misses working with the team (Aww!). In this post, he shares his appreciation for the Elastic Thinkers!

Working remotely has been an interesting time. Elastic are very fortunate to be able to carry on carrying out our work.

Being separated from the team for the past few weeks has also made me think about how I miss being able to hang out with everyone – together – wherever that might be. And to reflect on how I’m very fortunate to work with such a great bunch of people. 

On this note I’d just like to write a wee shout out of appreciation to the Elastic team:


Brings huge knowledge and experience of building websites but more importantly, he’s conscientious; he really cares about what he does and I particularly appreciate his humour – comedic gems roll effortlessly from him on a daily basis as he observes and comments on life around him. 


Quietly, meticulously goes about her work and knocks it out of the park over and over again. She listens, observes and interprets ideas into motion with emotion, always adding her own touch – a huge talent. 


Merges creativity and strategy like no one I’ve ever come across and knows how to take a million elements and distil them down into simple, effective and brilliant ideas. A positive burst of energy who infects all around her with enthusiasm. 


Loving New Order was the first clue he had taste. He’s thoughtful and reflective with the big picture always in view. He is always on the lookout for how next to develop digital transformation and continuously provides strategic direction for us and our clients. 


Thinks deep and is able to view things from unusual and unexpected angles. She impressed from the start when I knew her as a student as her video project was my favourite with the most original approach and now great to see her develop her skills. 


Cares about getting things right; always thinking about what’s best for the client. He’s created a fair few brilliant brand identities in his time and has a particular eye for composing logos. A stickler for detail – he pays attention to all those finer elements that take every project from very good to great. 


A powerhouse of positive energy; loves to learn and soaks it all up taking everything in his stride. He strikes a well-constructed balance between listening and learning and injecting his own ideas into his work.


Always creating; approaches every project with every ounce of design energy he has each time producing vibrant, dynamic game-changers. And a massive star wars fan – nuff said.

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