Are You Rolling? The Power of Video Marketing

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Video marketing has come far since its first use in 1941. But, what are the secrets to content that works in 2022? Click here to find out.

The use of video marketing has evolved massively since the first-ever official TV commercial broadcast back in 1941. A medium once limited to those with the deepest of pockets, video content creation is now in the hands of every brand that seeks to unlock its potential. 

An opportunity to contextualise your brand and develop a narrative that resonates with audiences and showcases your personality. We want consumers to connect with you, get to know you, and understand your broader mission via video.

With measurable results highlighting its ROI and the awesome potential the format can deliver, what do we know about its effectiveness today? Well, we know that … 

vido marketing statistics

*Source: The Medium & IDG Advertising

So, with all that said, it only leaves one question. In a world full of visual learners and consumers pushed for time, how can you unlock the potential of video for your brand? Keep reading to find out.

The Secrets to Video Marketing Success in 2022

Talking One on One with the Audience

One of the best things about modern marketing is its impact on a brand’s relationship with its consumers.  Dyadic by nature, social media strengthens bonds and brand love via channels that facilitate dialogue that flows in both directions. So, with an open invitation to interact with your communities and eavesdrop on their conversations, there is no excuse for any lack of understanding.

Demonstrating this understanding is where every good piece of video must start. Speaking naturally with your audience one to one, your immediate focus should be on empathising with pain points, not presenting yourself as the solution. Watching along, we want viewers to feel something they haven’t before; we want them to relate to the story being told and picture themselves as the protagonist.

Storytelling in this way continues to prove itself as the best way forward for brands. Growing trust through content that instinctively captures attention and pulls you in. Of course, CTAs are important, and your video marketing must lead people towards the desired outcome. How this is done is the key ingredient. Remember, the people who go out of their way to find you of their own fruition are much more likely to stick around than those forced.

Time is of the Essence

With so many brands crowding around the same pieces of real estate, optimising your time in the spotlight is crucial. Do well, and you will be invited back time and time again. Therefore, regardless of length or purpose, you should be able to stand back from your creation and bathe in the satisfying feeling that you made every second count. Otherwise, there isn’t really much point.

So, with the clock ticking, how do you ensure that not a frame goes to waste. It’s a tough challenge, and it all starts with the first 15 seconds. A make-or-break timeframe it’s a telling indicator when it comes to reporting and is all about creating that elusive hook. How are you going to pique the audience’s attention, create a feeling, and make them care? That’s the job of your hook. It is what will stop people them scrolling and give them a reason to keep watching. 

Now you have earnt their attention, focus on keeping it. At Elastic, we treat every piece of video content as a blockbuster all of its own, with a fantastic script, storyboard, and soundtrack crucial to the flow of every story. Bridging the gap between you and the audience, your choice of words, visuals, and sound will ultimately set the tone.  Setting the pace and exuding your personality, how you communicate will not only garner new eyes and ears but craft perceptions ad associations that will last.

No limit to the imagination

With the technology available to us now, everything is possible. 

Animation, whether 2D, 3D or hyper-realistic, gives us the creative freedom to tell your story in imaginative ways which make a longer-lasting impression on your audience..

Through visual storytelling – brands come to life, complex topics are simplified, products are experienced, the impact is demonstrated and engagement is maximised. 

It is no surprise that search engines such as Google and social media platforms such as Facebook reward brands who invest in video. Optimised for the right platform, you will find yourself with a unique and highly shareable piece of content capable of entertaining people far out with your initial target audience.

The Wrap Up

As a creative agency that has seen the impact of video first-hand, it is difficult to understate the value that creative content can bring to a brand and its marketing. Whether producing an educational product video for your website, a piece of BTS content for organic social, or a fast-paced video for an upcoming ad campaign. Following these three simple tips will stand you in good stead in the most competitive of marketplaces.  

Are you maximising the potential of your brand’s video marketing? Why not reach out to our team today. With decades of experience and creativity to draw on, we know what it takes to tell your brand’s story through video.  

Click here to speak with our video experts today. Or you can click here to learn more about the different techniques we use to produce fantastic video content.

Until next time, thanks for stopping by,

The Elastic Team

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