Why Marketing is a lot like Dating

Dating profile of a woman and a dating profile of a chair
Marketing can be a lot like dating. You swipe through multiple ads online much like swiping through dating profiles and finding the one right away is unlikely.

Marketing can be a lot like dating. You swipe through multiple ads online much like swiping through dating profiles and finding the one right away is unlikely. First, you have to go through several interactions and you need people to see your product several times before your buyers are ready.

Digital marketing can also be treated like dating app one-liners, with marketers who love bombing their audience with sweet talk and promises they just can’t keep. Or worse they’ll be a one-hit wonder and lose their customers after one interaction.

Like dating, when it comes to marketing you need to take it slow and steady. Treat digital marketing & wooing your audience like you’d treat the one. The one you take home to meet your parents and tell your friends about. The one you make a lifelong commitment to. After all, the whole point of digital marketing is to build solid lasting relationships with your customers.

Focus on them not your business

We’ve all had dates where the person talks more about themselves rather than taking time to get to know you. They try to impress you with how great they are but all it ends up doing is putting you off. So when you next promote your brand don’t make it all about yourself. Instead target your blogs, ads, and social media posts to your target audience. Help solve a pain point, show them you’re the solution to their problems.

Be yourself

Nobody wants to turn up to a date to find out they’ve been catfished. So you don’t want your customers to feel they’ve been duped by false marketing. Too many marketers try to be suave and flirt with false narratives all to get customers to click the buy button. Then when they receive your product it’s not as good quality as promised. So let your brand’s personality shine through and be your true authentic selves in all your digital marketing.

Entertain Me

Have you ever been on a date so boring you wonder where all the chemistry has gone? Well, sometimes digital marketing can be a bit like that. You want to excite your audience enough to stop them in their tracks and take notice of your ad. Be fun or educational, great digital marketing is more than witty writing and smart graphics. It’s all about piquing the audience’s interest so they’ll want to find out more.

Make your profile shine

When it comes to your dating profile you show your best photos & your most witty self. The same can be said for your brand. You don’t want your audiences being attracted to your incredible ad for them to click through to your website or social media channels and the ad doesn’t match up with the rest of your branding. Take time to make your brand shine with consistent branding throughout.

Know your audience

Ever been called the wrong name on a date? It’s not a great feeling which is why you need to know who you’re dating or in the case of digital marketing, you need to know your audience. As a digital marketer, you need to know the exact target audience you’re trying to reach and how to reach them. By trying to reach everyone you end up connecting with no one.

Take it Step by Step

As much as lust can play a huge role in dating you think you’ve found your soulmate after one date ready to run off into the sunset together. It never normally works out like that and it’s best to take it step by step. Digital Marketing is the same. You don’t want to give them the big offer without enticing them with a few smaller offers first.

Take them through the digital marketing funnel by first offering something like an informative video without asking for anything in return. If they engage with the video, offer them a link to click through. If they make it to step 2 offer them something large where you can ask for their contact information which will allow you to take them through the sales funnel. Who knows you may just end up making it official.

Be consistent

Not all dates work out and we don’t necessarily like pushy dates but we do like consistent dates. The type where they make plans with you for the next date while on the current date. Digital marketing is a lot like that when you first start, it can take a few months of being consistent for results to appear and it takes some strategic moves.

Here at Elastic, we are branding and digital marketing experts with 18 years of experience, Just think of us as your matchmakers in finding your dream customer. If you would like to chat more about our services contact us today.

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