An emotionally intelligent rebrand

Think EQ


Behind the transformation

Formerly known as Coaching Direct, the team was briefed by Elastic to help them stand out and grow in Scotland’s competitive executive coaching market. A brand workshop brought the team together to delve into their ideal target audience, team strengths, points of differentiation, and growth ambitions. A change of brand name was recommended to highlight the specialism of this highly qualified and experienced team of emotional intelligence coaches and trainers. The new name acts as a call to action and inspired a new brand language and energising brand experience. It compels the audience to consider the benefits of emotional intelligence in every area of their business. The new brand quite literally has a spring in its step!

Rebrand  |  Brand Naming  |  Website  |  Copywriting  |  Illustration  |  Animation

ThinkEQ Animated typography fonts brand elements
ThinkEQ Animated colour palette brand elements
Think EQ Website on device cross section

The uplifting brand colour palette and use of animated illustrations reflect the positive energy the team exudes and passes on to their clients.

The Think EQ team embraced the distinctive new brand toolkit straight away. Clients regularly say they can spot Think EQ content online before they read the name. 

Think EQ Building Successful teams
Think EQ Building Knowledge learning
Think EQ Coaching for teams
Think EQ Coaching
Think EQ Coaching Training
Think EQ Coaching EQi Wheel

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