Elastic Return on Investment – DJCAD Student Project

Mandi Halonen student project - a pair of black rimmed spectacles on top of a red book with cover title 'A book about how we vision the world'
Last Autumn, as part of our on-going working relationship with DJCAD University of Dundee, we set the 4th year students the task of interpreting what Return On Investment means.

Last Autumn, as part of our on-going working relationship with DJCAD University of Dundee, we set the 4th year students the task of interpreting what Return On Investment means. We felt that design leadership should start early and it was of vital importance to engage with the students on the importance of brand strategy and how it is key to any organisation’s success. We wanted to see what the level of understanding was and how effectively they could convey this idea as succinctly as possible.

The students could visualise this either using animation – or – they could build it. We chose these 2 methods to reflect the growth in delivering both video and 3-D printing capabilities. The idea of thinking in the round we thought would be an interesting challenge – and we weren’t disappointed! As always the 4th year DJCAD Graphic Design department, lead by Course Director Gary Gowans and Senior Lecturer Gordon Robertson, were at the top of their game.

See for yourself here at what the students produced:

Sarah Crawford


Sarah Crawford student project

Sarah Crawford student project

Mandi Halonen


Mandi Halonen student project

Mandi Halonen student project

Mandi Halonen student project

Andrew Golden


Andrew Golden student project

Andrew Golden student project

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Mandi Halonen student project - a pair of black rimmed spectacles on top of a red book with cover title 'A book about how we vision the world'

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