Ones to watch 2015 : DJCAD art, design & architecture degree show

Ones to watch 2015 Art, Design and Architecture Degree Show
Elastic are proud to have helped University of Dundee to promote this year's Art, Design & Architecture Degree Show.

Elastic are proud to have helped University of Dundee to create the promotional materials for this year’s art, design & architecture degree show.

Elastic have an enduring bond with Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art with myself Guy Connell and co-director Lauren Rennet having graduated from there ourselves. Since then we remain highly impressed with the level of quality produced each year and 2015 looks no different. Each year we keep involved by both offering summer student placements and by helping set course projects. It’s always rewarding for us to be engaged with the next set of smart thinkers.

We recommend paying a visit – for more information:

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Ones to watch 2015 Art, Design and Architecture Degree Show

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