Elastic’s New Year’s resolutions

Mario throwing a fist into the air with Edinburgh Castle in the background.
Just like you, we at Elastic Creative are only human, and that means we've all made New Year's Resolutions for ourselves, despite promising that we wouldn't.

First of all, hello and happy new year!

Just like you, we at Elastic Creative are only human, and that means we’ve all made New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves despite promising that we wouldn’t.

Obviously we’re going to keep to them without even the slightest hint of bother, and with that in mind we don’t mind sharing our personal and professional ambitions with you.


I need to get back to reading more books. I started the year with the brilliant The Secret History of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost (can’t wait till season 3 of the tv show starts in May) and next up is Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari.

To continue to raise our profile. We have a great story to tell with some great results.



I will get James Corden off the TV. History will thank me. The world will thank me. James Corden’s own mother will thank me.


I’m looking forward to investigating how businesses can make use of easily accessible live video such as facebook live, and how content is steadily becoming more and more important in comparison to flashy production values.


I’m hoping to explore more of the local culture, and spend time enjoying local events and activities.

To do more research and development, to keep up to date with new digital trends and techniques.


I am utterly resolved to cook better things, then eat it all! I should also pay off that loan I took out back in ’94 for my JCB branded yacht.

To learn more advanced C4D things, go to some talks and conferences. Win a BAFTA and/or Emmy.


Read at least one book per month.

Pursue a professional interest in marketing data analysis and big data.

Bonus resolution
Learn blues slide guitar. Become less skilled at the banjo.


Visit two more countries.

Stick to one grid on a website wireframe and eat less cookies.


Grow an Edwardian beard and top knot

Try not to allow the pile of papers on my desk grow to unmanageable levels!

How about you?

Have you got a New Year’s Resolution to get more sales leads, define your brand, or increase your web traffic? If you do, please get in touch and we’ll make sure you keep your resolutions this year.

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Mario throwing a fist into the air with Edinburgh Castle in the background.

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