Sector highlight – health

Female Doctor and male patient in consultation
By targeting geographical areas with a message you can start a meaningful conversation based around real issues that matter.

Health (noun)
The state of being free from illness or injury.
A person’s mental or physical condition.

Over time, Elastic has gained valuable experience working with a diverse range of sectors – it is one of our key strengths and this diversity allows us to adapt to anything. Learnings from one sector can bring new ideas and a fresh approach to other sectors.

Our work within the health sector

We’ve been fortunate to spend some time working in the health sector, and some of the companies we’ve worked with include:

This is a sector where social media platforms have proven to be an excellent means with which to engage a community about a range of topics. By targeting geographical areas with a message, we have been successful in starting meaningful conversations based around real issues that matter. This can really assist organisations such as the NHS, who are able to reach out to a large and specific population quickly and effectively.

The aim of getting these messages out can be to help people to avoid or minimise potentially harmful lifestyle choices. They can inform and educate and hopefully provide support for local communities. Ultimately lives can be saved and in treatment terms this helps the NHS save money.

Integrated campaigns, targeting specific demographics, based on powerful creative delivered over social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been at the core of Elastic’s activity in this field. Content marketing, video production, social media marketing alongside website design have all combined to make a real difference to people’s lives.

What do our clients say?

Trish Tougher, BBV Networks Manager at NHS Lanarkshire had this to say:

“Elastic Creative was commissioned by NHS Lanarkshire in January 2013 to develop a public/professional website covering the sensitive and complex areas of HIV and hepatitis (B and C). Further work in 2015/16 and 2016/17 included the development of HIV social media campaigns over the Christmas and New Year periods.

The use of social media and the many platforms it offers (Facebook/Instagram/Twitter etc) is innovative and exciting and provides the opportunity to reach the general public and target our work to specific groups and geographical areas. Delivering key messages on HIV creates awareness that contributes to the goal of reducing infection in line with the outcomes of the Scottish Government’s BBV and Sexual Health Framework 2015 – 2020 (fewer newly acquired infections, reduction in inequalities gap, lengthening the lives of those affected, elimination of coercion & harm and overall increase in respect and positive attitudes).

Having been involved in HIV awareness , promotion and social marketing for over 26 years, the key difference using these new technologies gives us is the ability to be more creative, the assurance that our audience is seeing and hearing our messages and also the ability to track the engagement and reach of our campaigns. This feedback is also immediate and enables us to evaluate the impact in relation to the uptake of testing services and condom provision. This is a major benefit when evaluating the reach and effectiveness of our work.”

Working on health related projects means that we can help make a real difference to people’s lives. Our work in helping create awareness can also contribute to a savings in the medical costs as less people are affected and to help reduce the burden on the NHS for the cost of treatments.

Other sectors

We also work closely with companies in the following sectors:

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