Creating a Brand

notes on a wall
A brand is often misunderstood but is essentially the process where you translate your company’s personality into a set of messages (normally thought of us visual but also verbal) that help sell your products or services.

A brand is often misunderstood but is essentially the process where you translate your company’s personality into a set of messages (normally thought of us visual but also verbal) that help sell your products or services. Elastic always begin with a workshop where we collaborate with you to identify where you’ve come from and where you are planning to get to. The workshop outcomes are designed to answer who you are trying to attract and how you are going to do it.

Broker Insights Brand Identity

‘Great for insurers, great for brokers, great for your clients.’

Broker Insights individuals in front of bar chart

A recent example of brand building we’re working on with the team at Broker Insights.

The starting point is to distil and edit these ideas into a brand identity, or logo. This provides the starting point for which all further materials can point to. Following this is a set of brand assets that can include photography, illustration and video. All of these will adhere to a set of guidelines that will tell a compelling story, using colours, fonts and images The overall look and feel varies depending on your personality; warm and friendly, bold and daring or any number of relevant qualities that suit your brand.

The start of something big. Find out more about our branding expertise.

At the heart of everything is storytelling; interpreting what you and your company have to offer that’s interesting and different. You want to communicate a genuine story that accurately reflects you in a way that attracts attention. By using all of these elements and steps your brand can distinguish you from your competitor and allow you to gain more awareness and increase your revenue. Brand trust is then created over time when you demonstrate consistent behaviour; backing up your brand promise by delivering exceptional products and services again and again.

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