DJCAD Degree Show: Graphic Design

Always encouraging to see the portfolios of students we've worked with in the past, the DJCAD degree show this year did not disappoint!

Over the weekend, we visited the DJCAD Degree Show and managed to even catch up with a few of the design students that we met last year. It was really encouraging to see how they had developed their work. At the beginning of the academic year, we highlighted projects by the students below, and we were thrilled to see their progression.

Boyd Cunningham: Nice to see he has continued to utilise his own brand identity used in the motion project we set back in September and a pleasure to view his body of work- one to watch in the very near future!

Tom Heggdal-Lones: has complemented his very fine-crafted approach with a more whimsical illustrative approach and even created a fully-fledged comic that could easily sit on the shelves alongside any other more established title. His versatility is commendable!

Ali Kelly: Continuing his powerful use of graphic and impactful imagery. Seeing his motion piece again reminded us just how strong his aesthetic sensibilities are.

We were also intrigued to see this RSA Student Design Awards piece by Rebecca Scouller. For this piece, she created a brand and an app focused on student mental health.

As the students prepare to consider their future we wish them all the very best. All in all, the class of 2018 was another brilliant year under the watchful eye of Gary Gowans and Jackie Malcolm. Now as we at Elastic prepare for the summer we are also looking forward to welcoming three DJCAD students this summer, Aaron Donald, Eva Legemah and Molly Porteous, all of whom are about to enter their own final year- can’t wait to see what they produce!

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