Elastic By The Numbers

Elastic is more than just a company- it's a team, a way of thinking & a whole lot of caffeine. Want to get to know us better? Read on!

Elastic is more than just a company- it’s a team of marketers, designers, developers & brand experts who work hard to keep your business ahead of the competition. Want to get to know us better? Read on!

Elastic Employees: 10 human, 1 canine.

Countries Represented: 5

LinkedIn Followers: 1,100+

Tweets Posted: 3,500 and counting… mostly about marketing with a good bit of Star Wars thrown in. Follow us here.

Visits to Elastic-built websites: 7.2Million

Monthly lead values: Over £15Million globally

CDS iconosphere

Jaffa Cakes Consumed per week: 2 boxes (by our designer alone!)

Coffees consumed per day: 15… or triple that on a Monday.

Cups of tea per week: 70

Recent Successes:

  • 850% increase in unique users for NHS Lanarkshire’s HIV & Hepatitis campaign
  • Digital marketing campaigns target 44 Million people annually, earning an average Twitter CTR 400% higher than industry average
  • 18% increase in property sales and 10% increase in market share for hspc
  • Generated over 100K social media engagements in 4-week campaign targeting a niche Dundee audience for VOX Dundee

Contact us today to find out how we can drive similar success for your brand- no matter what industry you’re in.

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