All Energy 2014 Aberdeen recap

All energy 2014 conference
All Energy 2014 - what opportunities will arise

Glasgow or Aberdeen?

What will it mean?

I am of course referring to the decision by Reed Exhibitions to move All-Energy to the SECC beginning in 2015. This throws up several questions:

  • Will the move to Glasgow work out logistically?
  • Will Glasgow benefit from having the EMEC there?
  • Can AREG provide engagement between the oil & gas industry and the renewables industry in Aberdeen with their new conference in 2015 replacing All Energy?

AREG are committed to a new conference in Aberdeen, ensuring that at least some of the focus will remain in the north-east of Scotland for the renewables industry. It will be interesting to see how this new conference matches All Energy, if companies will see sense in attending both and if All Energy are making the right decision in relocating their conference 234 km away.

One of the things about attending a show such as this is the opportunity to see the diversity on show not just across the various sector trails in renewables but how it links into other businesses, especially professional services and consultancy. Elastic were only able to be there all day on the 21st but visitor numbers were solid with a large showing going on to the networking evening event afterwards.

With the renewables energy market in the UK attracting £30bn since 2010 and with large scale projects such as the Gemini wind farm going ahead in the North Sea, we are going to see growth of 4% per annum for the renewable energy and low carbon sector. Already, sales of goods and services are up £5.4bn from last year.

Having a brand that stands out in the market is vital to capitalise on the opportunities being presented. Being able to offer a level of diversity makes it easier for brands to be attractive options to clients. Not simply a great website that works across all devices but clear communication, good use of visuals and being seen as a thought leader.

With projects such as the Blyth offshore wind demonstrator going ahead, the next 12 months will allow brands with their messaging in place to capitalise on the most lucrative opportunities available.

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