DJCAD Degree Show 2014

DJCAD collage
The Duncan of Jordanstone degree show was another annual exercise of witnessing great creative talent about to be let loose on the world. As the no.1 art school in Scotland and one of the top art schools in the UK, DJCAD never ceases to disappoint.

The Duncan of Jordanstone degree show was another annual exercise of witnessing great creative talent about to be let loose on the world. As the no.1 art school in Scotland and one of the top art schools in the UK, DJCAD never disappoints.

Elastic Creative’s trip to this year’s show also allowed us to see some of the fantastic work produced in response to our 4th year student’s brief. The theme we set to interpret was to deliver what ‘Return on Investment’ means within a creative and brand environment. We felt that design leadership should start early; the results were fantastic, with the work laid out here: Elastic Return on Investment – DJCAD Student Project

Going round and actually digesting the poetic vista of work wasn’t easy within the confines of one day but we managed to be wowed and engaged for the whole duration. We have a vested interest in graphic design and below are this year’s profiles:

If you haven’t attended the show before, go there next May!

Good luck to all the graduating 4th years in whatever venture they undertake next.

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