DJCAD branding and design student placement

Juliet Wright at computer desk
If there is one thing Elastic Creative can be said to do well (in addition to their design work of course) it would have to be their exceptional nature in cultivating relationships and dealing with clients, and their longstanding relationship with DJCAD is no exception

If there is one thing Elastic Creative can be said to do well (in addition to their design work of course) it would have to be their exceptional nature in cultivating relationships and dealing with clients, and their longstanding relationship with DJCAD is no exception. Within their team there are a number of DJCAD graduates, and they also run a brief every year for current fourth year students. Last year they took on two students for placement and I am lucky enough that this year, they’ve taken me on for a fews weeks to experience what Elastic is like from the inside.

To introduce myself there are a few things you should know about me; my name is Juliet Wright, a 20 year old graphic design student from DJCAD entering my final year come September. I am a self confessed magazine addict, with a passion for layout design, editorial work and supposedly dying out techniques (I can normally be found in the darkroom or in the printing dept). Some of my favourite designers include Vaughan Oliver, David Carson and Paula Scher. I am also a hardcore Harry Potter fan with a verging-on-unhealthy love for brie and lastly, I am exceptionally grateful to Elastic for welcoming me into their offices for a few weeks.

Come Monday morning, that’s exactly what they did- welcome me in. I think I was offered a tea/coffee three times within my first half hour in the office, talk about polite!! For my short stay with them I’m lucky enough to be working on a live brief, somewhat of an anomaly for me. The brief itself is thought provoking and certainly did a good job of jump starting my creative juices. It’s very difficult to describe what it feels like to partially step across the threshold to agency and client work from tutor set briefs at university. It’s alien whilst familiar! at the same time. Some aspects are similar; the feedback and the discussion for example, whilst the pressure of producing something on point for the client is different and very real; but the Elastic team are great guides.

To work alongside such a tight knit team is fantastic, their work ethic combined with each individual’s skill set makes for a great office environment. Above all it’s easy to see how well everyone gets on and works well together- which lends itself to a great team spirit. Everyone in the team has their own role to play and plays it exceedingly well. Consequently, an exceptionally high standard of work is consistently produced.

I’m certainly excited to be behind Elastic’s doors, from sitting in on team meetings to having Wannaburger lunches and prepping for client workshops, there’s always something to learn. I’m trying to take full advantage of it! Over the next couple of weeks I’m looking forward to continuing work on my live brief, quizzing the team and getting immersed in their creative hub. Watch this space!!

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Juliet Wright at computer desk

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