How’d You Get Here: Design

A successful designer is creative, logical and can solve problems without batting an eye. Find out more about what it takes to become a designer, and how our Senior Designer Arron arrived at Elastic!

Arron is our senior designer and newest member of the team here at Elastic. Holding the title of best facial hair in the studio, he’s a recent Edinburgh transplant originally from Manchester.

What do you do at Elastic?
I design brands, marketing materials and creative campaign concepts for an eclectic range of businesses, big and small.

How long have you worked in design?
I’ve worked professionally in design for just over 8 years.

Do you work in the field you went to school for?
Mostly. At college I studied Performing Arts, Fine Art and Graphic Design but with more skill in Photoshop than Theatre, I decided to focus on a career in Design.

What’s the strangest job you had before you got into design?
I would say none of my jobs have been strange, I’ve known from an early age that I wanted to work in the creative industries. I did once have an interesting job working in live music, setting up sound, stage and lighting hardware for acts such as Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Dolly Parton and Santana.

How did you get into design?
Only weeks before graduating from university I was offered a job at a well-known digital agency in Manchester- I jumped straight into it.

How has your position evolved throughout your career?
I’ve moved around agencies a fair bit, learning and working in different creative fields– but always with Graphic Design at the centre of my practice.

What were the biggest challenges when you started your career?
The reality of working in marketing and advertising versus my expectations whilst studying. It’s not all kick-ass household-name clients and award ceremonies.

What’s your favourite thing about your current position?
The Elastic team– we’re a skilled bunch with a good mix of experience, nationality, gender and species (Cooper the Dog!) represented.

What’s your least favourite thing about working as a designer?
Sitting at a desk all day looking at a screen is no good for your eyes or your back, so I try to get out to client meetings and shoots as much as possible.

The experience is everything. Find out more about our digital design services.

What makes a good designer?
Someone who knows when to fight battles and when to back down. It’s easy to burn out if you’re constantly fighting colleagues and clients.

What’s an unexpected skill that has helped you in your career?
Being able to draw. I’m not the best penciller, but it’s surprising how visualising your thoughts quick and loose can solve problems.

What tips do you have for someone trying to get into design?
Make yourself useful. It’s one thing having good ideas but you need to be able to present them too- so absorb good design, learn to sketch, learn to use the adobe creative cloud and never stop seeking new skills.

What’s something you would tell someone on their first day as a designer?
The answers you are looking for are usually hidden inside the client brief. Interrogate and find them before you begin.

Looking for design help from our creative team? Contact us today to find out how we can help your brand move forward with unique, beautiful design, or check out the other posts in this ongoing series: Marketing, Copywriting, Motion Graphics & Motion Design.

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