Branding, design and video for Renewables

Offshore Wind Farm
With potential loss of North Sea investment in what was discernible as one of the most buoyant sectors the UK operates (only Aberdeen kept place with Islington and Westminster in terms of % growth), it was interesting to read a report in Bloomberg pertaining to green energy; in particular that renewables might not suffer as much as reports in the press suggest.

With potential loss of North Sea investment in what was discernible as one of the most buoyant sectors the UK operates (only Aberdeen kept place with Islington and Westminster in terms of % growth), it was interesting to read a report in Bloomberg pertaining to green energy; in particular that renewables might not suffer as much as reports in the press suggest. However, there are so many other factors around energy, not least the impracticality of a long-term fracking industry and with the UK government’s targets of decarbonisation into the 2020’s and 2030’s and global focus on climate change, it makes sense to consider what renewable energy investment will yield in growth results.

Across the pond, funding rose in wind energy to $99.5billion in renewables. In the UK from 2010-2013, £29.8bn was invested in renewables. If we start to look at the statistics, the promise of growth for the renewables industry is clearer:

  • Offshore Wind will need 50% more investment than onshore wind (£8.1bn)
  • Solar investment will overtake onshore wind investment. For figures, offshore may be £12bn, solar £11.9bn and onshore £8.1bn

The commitment to decarbonisation and addressing the global targets of climate change mean that although there may be a slump in oil prices, investment in the renewable energy sector is imperative. With an election looming on 7th May it may be a powerful time for the industry to look and expect the future government to be onside for their industry.

When investors and potential clients look at brands within the sector, they have cursory time to understand the offer; a clear and compelling website will act as a brand ambassador (as well as having it optimised for mobile). A short video will impact enormously: a viewer is 64% more likely to interact after watching a video. Having your brand messaging and content in the best possible shape will allow your end goal to be realised with greater clarity. Brands who can have a point of differentiation and standout are the ones who will grow their revenue best.

By understanding these wider issues and challenges elastic are able to meaningfully communicate a brand’s strengths and point of difference and thus create real ROI and value for their clients. Video has now become an incredibly effective and key component of this.

As we gear up to All Energy trade show (6-7th May), there will be more focus than ever. As the election occurs on 7th May so the energy sector will find out who will be the ruling party. With a shift in venue from Aberdeen to Glasgow (SECC) for the first time, perhaps we will see a real time indication of how companies and clients are moving forward with new opportunities and if they lie in renewables.

Elastic creative will be at All Energy and look forward to finding out the live mood of the show. There is no reason to doubt it will be anything but buoyant.


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Offshore Wind Farm

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